SMI past Experience
Over the last 30 years, SMI collaborated with many organizations engaged in social and economic development initiatives involving environmental stewardship, long before Carbon Credits became tradable commodities.
Some of the organizations that collaborated or funded SMI initiatives include:
- CIDA,, funded SMI's first biomass gasification project in RD Congo in 1978,
- Appropriate Technology International (ATI),, funded SMI's affiliate company SODERZA in RD Congo in 1986. SODERZA was engaged in replicating micro-hydropower projects between 10KW to 100KW,
- The European Union,, funded rural electrification projects in RD Congo in 1988,
- SIDA,, funded SMI's affiliate company Novatech Co. in Lao PDR between 1989 and 1996. Novatech developed low-cost school buildings, biomass gasification projects and local road maintenance equipment manufacturing,
- UNICEF,, funded Water and Sanitation projects in Lao PDR, with surveys being executed by Novatech Co.
- Partners for Prosperity,, assisted SMI with project networking,
and many other NGOs, local and international agencies that have collaborated or sponsored SMI initiatives.

Soheyl's first micro-hydro site developed in 1986 near Bukavu in the eastern part of RDC Congo. Photo by Allen Inversin of the NRECA,
N.B. Allen Inversin is the author of "Micro-Hydropower Sourcebook (A Practical Guide to Design and Implementation in Developing Countries)", NRECA International Foundation, Washington, DC.
Soheyl's Congolese company SODERZA became recipient of a grant from ATI (Appropriate Technology International) to replicate micro-powered grain milling technology throughout Kivu Province, RDC Congo.

First Lao technicians trained in the manufacturing of water turbines